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Wednesday, 31 August 2011


お下がり = hand-me-down (noun)


  • When I was a child, I wanted new clothes but I always got my sister's hand-me-downs.
  • I don't want your old hand-me-downs!
  • That ABBA T-shirt is a hand-me-down from my mother.

Tuesday, 23 August 2011


もったいない = wasteful

However, this expression is more natural:
  • What a waste!
  • Sanae dropped a bottle of Dom Perignon Champagne. What a waste!
  • That watermelon is rotten; we can't eat it. What a waste!

This expression is to avoid waste (save and re-use):
  • Waste not want not.
  • Don't throw away your rice; I will use it for チャーハン tomorrow. Waste not want not.

This expression is to say we don't use an item:
  • It is wasted on him
  • Daisuke bought his grandmother a new Blue Ray DVD recorder but it's wasted on her because she can't understand how to use it.
  • Tomoko gave her parents an expensive bottle of wine but it's wasted on them because they don't drink alcohol.
  • Those running shoes are wasted on me because I never do any exercise.
  • item + be + wasted on + person

Wednesday, 10 August 2011


面倒臭い can be translated according to the situation.

If you are tired or do not want to use your energy you can say:

  •  can't be bothered
Miho: "Let's clean up the garden!"
Kou: "I can't be bothered; I wanna watch TV."

If something is complex and requires a lot of effort you can say:

  • too much hassle
Yuki: "Shall we move to a new apartment?"
Hana: "Oh no! It's too much hassle."

If you check your dictionary, you will see the word troublesome but this is not a natural translation of 面倒臭い。

Saturday, 6 August 2011


I'm off has four meanings:

1. I'm leaving now

  • I'm off; see you! = I'm leaving this place now.

2. I'm going now

  • I'm off to the pub. = I'm going to the pub now.

3. Absent from work

  • I'm off tomorrow. = I will be absent from work tomorrow.

4. I'm abstaining
  • I'm off chocolate. = I don't eat chocolate these days.


Subject + be + off (+ extra information)